
#Updates: TOMI City Data

TOMI City Data: air pollution & UV index

TOMI believes that a smart city is an informed city.
That’s why we implemented a new feature that shows more city data such as the UV and the Air Pollution Index.

An evolution that promotes environmental sustainability and smart cities


TOMI provides accurate real-time information about different city data:
 01    UV Index: The strength of the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) radiation
 02    Air Pollution: How polluted is the air today?
 03    Current time: What time is?
 04    Current temperature: The current temperature
 05    Weather forecast: 3-Day weather forecast

TOMI believes that cities should become smarter, more efficient, sustainable and livable. This way, we can help to create a smart city all across the world. The main mission is to collect and disseminate in an integrated way, the information that exists today in the cities, improving the quality of life of its residents and the experience of those who visit the city.