
(English) 10 things you didn’t knew about Montevideo

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TOMI will be implemented in Montevideo very soon.

Montevideo is the capital and largest city of Uruguay, and it has a unique personality, characterized by a laid-back beach atmosphere, café culture, and well-preserved old town in the Ciudad Vieja.

Find 10 things you didn’t know about Montevideo, and learn more about montevideanos.

1. Montevideo is ranked as the Latin American city with the best quality of life

According to the Mercer Index, this city has the best quality of life in Latin America, since it has one of the lowest rates of inequality in the region coupled with one of the highest GDP’s per capita.

Downtown Montevideo – Marcelo Campi [cc by-sa 3.0]

2. Uruguay is the leading country in the area of electronic government in Latin America

According to the UN e-Government Survey report, the Uruguayan e-government is a great example of connectivity, digital citizenship, programming from childhood, open government, open standards and codes, and people-centered government.

Palacio Legislativo – Gabboe [cc by sa 3.0]

3. Montevideo was the first city in Latin America to have an open data policy

Open data is essential to develop smart cities, and Montevideo was the first city in Latin America to create this policy. As an open and smart city, Montevideo invests in public services accessibility, transparency and community engagement.

Intendencia de Montevideo – Carolina Bonaba [cc by sa 3.0]

4. Montevideo has a great historic centre and tourist attractions

This city has beautiful, historic and well-preserved sites. The Ciudad Vieja is great place to explore and enjoy the boutiques, patios, cafes and street art.

Plaza Independencia

5. The city’s metropolitan area has a population of around 1.8 million.

Montevideo is the financial and cultural hub of a larger metropolitan area. Nearly 3.42 million people inhabit the country, and 1.8 million of this population live in the Montevideo metropolitan area.

Plaza de Armas –  Martin St-Amant – Wikipedia – [cc by-sa 3.0]

6. Montevideo has a laid-back lifestyle and great beaches

Montevideo as a laid-back lifestyle: the city beaches are perfect for sunbathing, running or volleyball. The residents love to walk along the Rambla of Montevideo, a promenade by the waterfront setting.

Playa Pocitos – José Porras [cc by sa 3.0]

7. Montevideo has a very rich cultural heritage and architecture

Montevideo has dozens of theaters and museums, making it a great hub for art and culture enthusiastics. Montevideo is very rich architecturally, having buildings of colonial, art deco, neoclassical and postmodern styles. It is also known for the street art found on the facades of buildings.

Teatro Solis – Marinbru – [cc by sa 3.0]

8. Tango is considered by UNESCO as cultural heritage of Uruguay

Montevideanos are proud of their Tango heritage. In Montevideo, you can visit tango clubs and see live tango music or learn how to dance it.


9. Carnival is celebrated for 40 days with various street and theater performances

Carnival in Uruguay is the longest celebration in the world. The celebrations start on January and continues through March. Montevideo is where the main action happens.

Carnaval in Montevideo – Vince Alongi [cc by 2.0]

10. Montevideo is a romantic and charming city

La Fuente de los Candados is located on one of Montevideo’s busiest streets. The plaque on the fountain says “The legend of this young fountain tells us that if a lock with the initials of two people in love is placed in it, they will return together to the fountain and their love will be forever locked.”

Fuente de los Candados – Ganímedes cc by-sa 4.0