(English) TOMI WORLD Report Feb 18: TOMI was Carnival’s best friend!

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TOMI was Carnival’s best friend!

In February, the Carnival stood out with a visible peak on the interactions and photos sent. TOMI was the Carnival’s best friend, giving everyone entertainment and information about this holiday!

Smart cities are engaging cities, and TOMI empowers engaged community by promoting local events and holidays. The Carnival is a great example how TOMI can engage with the citizenry at a local level – TOMI shows all the relevant events, the best public transportation to get there, and at the same time, it informs about the most interesting points of interest nearby.

During the month, TOMI registered a significant increment on the interactions and photos sent during the Carnival days, showing how TOMI and Carnival are a perfect match!

Click to see the detailed report of each network in February