(English) TOMI WORLD April News & Data

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Covid-19: TOMI  enables pedestrian data and smart alerts




As the seriousness of Covid-19 persisted and grew, TOMI’s messages to inform communities evolved to include social distancing reminders and “stay at home” advices. In addition to sharing prevention measures and recommendations in collaboration with national health authorities, TOMI also implemented an innovative initiative to detect people on the street and provide insightful data in these uncertain times.




TOMI implemented new features to allow pedestrian counting (anonymised data), providing a key metric for authorities. This way, it’s possible to understand the pedestrian volume and how it compares in each location on any given day and time.  It’s also essential to compare the average of people passing by to other different days, and to understand the impact of various factors (such as the location – subway or street, weather conditions, and political measures in place).




Smart Alerts when detecting people

Advise to Stay Home & Social Distancing

TOMI shows an alert advising to stay at home for a person who is detected alone. The safety distance is recommended when groups of people are identified.

Detect abnormal number of people

Alerts for police forces or local authorities

TOMI can also detect an abnormal number of people on the street and send an alert, identifying the location of the occurrence, to police forces or local authorities.


TOMI illustrates news related to Covid-19 in Portugal

Technology plays an important role in these uncertain times, and since TOMI made several developments to share authoritative and real-time information, this feature has been illustrating various news about the case study in Portugal, Italy, Macau, USA, India, Spain, Greece,  Bulgaria, Venezuela, among others countries.

TOMI’s answer to Covid-19
was featured on